Adding Colors to My World

Ms. Tariah
2 min readSep 19, 2021


Hello There! Welcome to another update on my Web Development learning journey. I’m happy to be writing about this because I need all the accountability I can get.

The last time, I wrote about how I am taking a course on Udemy and how I built a basic personal site using only HTML and also hosted it on Github.

Today, I want to show you the second project I built on my learning journey. Yaay!

Screenshot from my personal site

Adding Colors to Hello World!

After learning HTML fundamentals, I moved to phase 2; Introduction to CSS. CSS means Cascading Style Sheets. This is a simple mechanism for adding styles (e.g. fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents. So this means that in this phase, I moved from the basic personal site to a site with styles — colors and all of those extra things that bring life to HTML.

Firstly, I learnt the introduction to CSS;

  1. Inline CSS
  2. Internal CSS
  3. External CSS
  4. How to debug CSS code
  5. The anatomy of CSS syntax
  6. CSS selectors
  7. Classes vs Ids
  8. CSS sizing, etc.

And then ta-da! I built a new site, completely different from the first one.

I am going to show you two sites I built after this module — first, I built one alongside the course instructor, doing exactly what she did and we arrived at this;

Then I built another one by myself to see how far I have come;

So for the first one, it’s a one-page site with my details, but for the second one, I added pages for “about me” and “contact me”.

I think I did an okay job, even though my site is not responsive yet :( but baby steps init? We are getting there and the next site I am going to build will definitely be better.

The code to both projects on Github

Thank you for following my journey. See you soon!

