The beginning of My Tech Sis Journey

Ms. Tariah
3 min readAug 22, 2021


Hello again! August must be a solid month because I am writing one day after my last story. The fastest yet.

You already know that my writing is mostly always about my life updates. It helps me keep track. Then, of course, accountability.

So, today I want to share my learning progress. Yeah, the title says The Beginning of my Tech Sis Journey but truthfully, this is not the beginning. I mean, I have been doing this since 2019 (a story for another day) but I have been failing at it. I keep stopping and picking it up only when I get bored. Bad practice.

When I completed HTML fundamentals on Solo Learn

This year, I decided to take it seriously and learn from the beginning. So cheers to a new beginning!

Why am I learning this? I just really enjoy learning new things especially things that I consider difficult because I always wonder why I cannot do it when others can. So I have to learn to do it. That's all. Everything else is secondary — I want to learn a new skill, I want to work in a new field, I want to make money, all of them are important but they come after. My first motivation is always just to learn stuff. I just want to know things. I enjoy it so much.

So I signed up on Udemy to learn Web Development and I have done 30% of the lessons so far but today I am sharing the progress of my very first task on the course.

From Hello World! to a personal site

Yes, this is always the beginning for everyone — <h1>Hello World!</h>. lol.

So I built a basic personal site using just HTML. But before the site, I learnt the Introduction to HTML covering;

  1. The anatomy of an HTML Tag
  2. How to structure text in HTML
  3. HTML lists and image elements
  4. HTML links and anchor tags
  5. HTML Tables and forms, etc.

And then the site was built and published on my Github.

The code;

I was so happy to do this and I am also getting to understand Github too. So this is a beautiful learning process for me.

My Github screen for this repo

I am looking forward to not only completing this course and earning the certificate even though it is very important because I spent my hard-earned Nairas on it but yes to actually learn the necessary web development skills to improve myself and my career.

So good luck to me. See you when I share my next progress, which I believe should be soon.

